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Faculty Instructional Support Services

Service Desk / Circulation

Course Reserves 

The library accepts course reserves for all classes offered at LSC-Montgomery and Conroe Center. If you wish to put an item on reserve, please fill out the online Reserve Request Form and bring your items to the library's Service Desk. Alternatively, you may printout the pdf version of the form below or access a paper copy at the Service Desk.

The library will adhere to all copyright restrictions. Reserve items that are worn, badly marked, severely damaged or have not circulated during the semester will be removed from the course reserves and returned to the submitting faculty. Please contact Monica Cammack for assistance.

Visit our Course Reserves Guide for a list of items currently on reserve. 

Course Reserves Statement

Items are placed on course reserve in accordance with copyright and fair use laws with the following guidelines:

Physical Course Reserves

  • College-owned, personally-owned, and gifted items, as well as materials that reside in the public domain, not including consumables, may be added to the library's course reserve collection so long as they are in their original format.
  • Copies/reproductions of materials may be added in compliance with Fair Use guidelines.
  • Examination/review items may be added on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the copyright restrictions provided by the publisher. Items that are restricted to classroom use or instructional proposes will only be made available to students currently enrolled in the course for which the item is assigned. Instructors seeking to override copyright restrictions that have been applied to an item must obtain written permission from the publisher/copyright holder.

Digital Course Reserves

  • Original copies of college-owned items and materials that reside in the public domain, not including consumables, may be digitized and distributed with controlled digital lending protections via the library's electronic reserve system.
  • Personally-owned, gifted, or copied/reproduced items, including examination/review copies, may not be digitized without written permission from the publisher/copyright holder.

Note: To digitize textbooks/supplemental items for your courses, your department will need to purchase them with department funds. Evaluation copies will not be accepted for digital course reserves without permission from the publisher due to copyright law restrictions.

Activating Your Library Card

LSC faculty and staff IDs double as library cards. Please come to the library to activate your card. Once your card is activated, you will be able to access library resources both on campus and at home.

If you unable to come to campus, you can apply for a library card through the Lone Star College Library site. Upon request, your library card barcode and pin number will ONLY be sent to you via your email address. Your barcode number can be used to remotely access LSCS Libraries' e-Books, articles and more from our databases. 

Borrowing Privileges 

As a faculty member your borrowing privileges include:

  • Borrow books, DVDs, CDs, and other materials through the library
  • Request items from other LSCS libraries, as well as Harris County Public Libraries and Montgomery County Memorial Libraries
  • Request items through Interlibrary Loan