Instructional Technology & D2L
Alan Stultz
Online Technologist I
Office: Building F, Room 203A
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Weekly Virtual Open Labs & Training
D2L Course Design
Maria Block
Instructional Designer II
Office: Building E, Room 102H
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Faculty have a wide variety of teaching tools to support and facilitate instruction. The FRC has compiled a collection of web apps, tools, and related supporting documentation that supports teaching and learning both online and in-person.
The tools and resources on this page have been recommended by LSC-Montgomery faculty and staff or other higher education professionals as resources that can be utilized to support online teaching and learning activities. Some of the resources are officially supported by Lone Star College, while others are third-party resources that are not supported by the college's Office of Technology Services. All of the third-party applications have free components but may charge for premium features or increased usage. Please carefully review the service and associated costs before integrating third-party services into your course.
Click on a category to view related tools.
To report a concern about a tool or recommend a resource, please contact
The tools and resources on this page have been recommended by LSC-Montgomery faculty and staff or other higher education professionals as resources that can be utilized to support online teaching and learning activities. Some of the resources are officially supported by Lone Star College, while others are third-party resources that are not supported by the college's Office of Technology Services. All of the third-party applications have free components but may charge for premium features or increased usage. Please carefully review the service and associated costs before integrating third-party services into your course.
Use the Filter, Sort, and Search features to narrow your options.
To report a concern about a tool or recommend a resource, please contact