Instructional Technology & D2L
Alan Stultz
Online Technologist I
Office: Building F, Room 203A
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Weekly Virtual Open Labs & Training
D2L Course Design
Maria Block
Instructional Designer II
Office: Building E, Room 102H
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What is D2L?
Desire2Learn, or D2L, is LSC's learning management system (LMS) for all online courses and is used to administer and access course materials. Training for D2L is provided by LSC's Virtual Teaching Assistance Center (VTAC) (pronounced Vee•tack). The VTAC website provides a robust library of resources to support the implementation of online teaching and learning best practices and the use of online learning tools.
For an overview of D2L and VTAC resources, start with the Online Teaching Welcome video:
LSC-M Faculty Tip
VTAC's resources can be overwhelming at first, this guide is designed to connect you with the essential resources to get started. Once you are familiar with the basics of D2L, go back and explore the vast selection of resources and support VTAC offers faculty.
Select the next tab to learn more about the Online Certification Training.
How do I get started in D2L?
To get started with D2L, complete the Quick Onboarding portion (modules 1 - 4) of the Online Teaching Certification training before proceeding further. The Online Teaching Certification is required for all online instructors. For an overview of the Online Teaching Certification program, watch this video from VTAC:
To enroll in the Online Teaching Certification program, log into D2L and click VTAC Support on the navbar located across the top of the page. In the Learning column under the Certification heading, click Enroll Me: OTC
LSC-M Faculty Tip
Once you've completed the first four modules, it is recommended that you set up your course shell and add basic content elements before completing the remaining modules in Online Teaching Certification.
Once you have completed the Quick Onboarding portion (modules 1 - 4) of the Online Certification Training program, you can start the Creating Your Course Shell section.
What other training resources are available for faculty teaching online?
The LSC Virtual Teaching Assistance Center (VTAC) offers a wealth of information and resources. For an overview of the resources available and how to access them, watch this video by VTAC: