Instructional Technology & D2L
Alan Stultz
Online Technologist I
Office: Building F, Room 203A
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Weekly Virtual Open Labs & Training
D2L Course Design
Maria Block
Instructional Designer II
Office: Building E, Room 102H
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How do I assess student learning?
Course assessments, including quizzes and exams, can be administered using the Quizzes feature in D2L. This feature can also be used to create homework. Creating quizzes begins with creating a Question Library in D2L. Quiz types include True or False, Multiple Choice, Written Response, Short Answer, Matching, Ordering, Arithmetic, and more. Many faculty prefer this option because quizzes are auto-graded. To learn more, watch the Creating Quizzes - Part 1 video below or visit VTAC's Use the Question Library page.
View also: Create a Quiz - Part 2 from LSC-Online
Additional Resources
How do I track grades?
The D2L Gradebook is used to track student course performance (Request to use a 3rd party publisher's gradebook must be approved by the VPI). Once a gradebook is created, you can link graded items back to their discussions, assignments, and quizzes. VTAC provides a step-by-step guide: Create a Gradebook with the Grades Setup Wizard
Additional Resources
Providing effective feedback is key to promoting student learning. Here are some best practices for providing feedback in the online environment:
GradeMark Assessment Integration in D2L
Assessing student work can be one of the most time-consuming, yet ultimately rewarding parts of teaching. Thankfully there is a free resource available within D2L that can help to make the process of responding to student work a little less stressful and perhaps more engaging for students. Use of the Turnitin tool, GradeMark, can help faculty provide advanced feedback to students while saving valuable time by offering comprehensive commentary quickly.
Faculty may already be familiar with Turnitin, which is a plagiarism detection software. GradeMark is a component of Turnitin that allows online text grading using standardized and customizable marks. In addition, there is also an “E-Rater by ETS” comprehensive grammar checker that can be enabled, which provides a comprehensive grammar checker.
GradeMark allows faculty to customize and save content as well as add their own comments and edits. This can be helpful to use when commentary may be repeated often. For example, faculty may create a comment for proper/improper documentation of a source, complete with an example, that can be referenced for multiple students.
Figure 1: Image of Essay in GradeMark w Instructor Comments
Finally, faculty can create, share, and reuse rubrics In GradeMark to quickly calculate student scores.
For more information on using GradeMark, view the following VTAC resource: Use GradeMark with Assignments