Instructional Technology & D2L
Alan Stultz
Online Technologist I
Office: Building F, Room 203A
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Weekly Virtual Open Labs & Training
D2L Course Design
Maria Block
Instructional Designer II
Office: Building E, Room 102H
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How do I support students with disabilities and/or accommodations?
In order to ensure that all of our students have a successful learning experience, it is important to provide accessible instructional accessible and apply the principles of universal design wherever possible. In their guide "Accessibility at Lone Star College", VTAC provides several resources for ensuring accessibility in your online course:
Steps for making resources accessible will differ depending on the resource type and format. Click the VTAC link above or view the following quick guides for step-by-step instructions for popular formats. Also, check out the Additional Resources tab in this section for faculty recommended resources.
For additional support, contact LSC Disability Service:
LSC-M Faculty Tips
Additional Resources
Have a resource you would like to share? Submit recommendations here: Online Resource Recommendation Form