Instructional Technology & D2L
Alan Stultz
Online Technologist I
Office: Building F, Room 203A
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Weekly Virtual Open Labs & Training
D2L Course Design
Maria Block
Instructional Designer II
Office: Building E, Room 102H
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What is the best way to organize my course online?
Take a moment to plan your D2L course shell structure and course activities to align with the student learning outcomes for the course. Here are some best practices to apply in your planning:
Where do I put my course content?
Course materials in D2L are organized into modules that are located in the Course Content tab. Watch this video for an overview of the Content page in D2L or visit VTAC's Create Modules and Submodules in Content page.
LSC-M Faculty Tips
What kind of content can I add to D2L?
Various types of instructional content, such as presentation files or video links, can be added to D2L modules. These resources are called Topics. Learn more about adding Topics to your modules by watching this VTAC video or visiting the Add Topics to a Content Module page.
Adding Different Types of Content