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Student Lingo

  • First, go to:
  • If this is your FIRST TIME logging into StudentLingo, you need to first set up your FREE account...
    • In the provided boxes, enter your First Name / Last Name / Email Address (preferably your LSC email) / Create a Password for yourself / and Confirm your new Password.
    • Then click/check the "I agree to the Terms & Conditions" box.
    • Click "Register" to enter StudentLingo
  • If are RETURNING and have already created your FREE account and simply need to Sign In...
    • Click the "SIGN IN" link in the top right hand corner of the page.
    • Enter your Email Address and Password in the provided boxes.
    • Click "Sign In"
  • Once you have successfully signed in to StudentLingo, you will see the 4 videos available to you at the bottom of the page (you may need to scroll down to see them all)
  • Simply select a video topic you would like to watch and follow the self guided prompts within each video

What is StudentLingo
Student Lingo is a series of live workshops offered every year on timely topics suggested by our students and clients. Student Ling plans to host 6 live workshops throughout the year. There is also a student scholarship opportunity for each event.

Is it free?
Yes, these events will be free to LSC-M students, faculty, and staff. 

How will students access the events?
Students will have access to the live event information and the recording from their dashboard. 

Do students have to attend the live event? 
No. If they can’t make the live event, the on-demand training will be available within a few hours. 

Will I know if my students attend the live event?
The system will show users that click on the live event, but we won’t be able to confirm who attended the event. Once the event passes, the video recording will add to our site so that users can view the recording and complete the evaluation to get “completion credit.”

How are these events promoted?

  • STAR Center sends an email to students.
  • It can be promoted by faculty for extra credit.
  • It can be shared with students by faculty via D2L or Syllabus. 

Will the live and on-demand workshops be ADA-accessible? 
Yes, both the live events and on-demand recordings will be closed-captioned.

Will StudenLingo collect student information to send to another 3rd party?
No, they will not use data and will hold that data as private.