For this project, you and your Group will investigate a problem in society. You will need to conduct research in order to examine alternative solutions and propose the most effective solution(s) using supporting evidence.
You may not choose from the following topics: abortion, the death penalty, same-sex marriage, bullying, legalizing drugs, gun control, any topic that does not have a clear problem/solution, or the topic you wrote about for your Response to Argument Essay.
You will choose a debatable topic from the Lone Star Databases. You may use the databases, Google Scholar, or books from the library to conduct your research. Your argument must include your own insight about the solution. Do not just quote and paraphrase your sources. If you do not correctly document your sources (in-text citation, Works Cited), you do not have a research project, and it will not be graded. This is plagiarism as you are taking credit for someone else’s work.
Step 1: Annotated Bibliography (.5 Major Grade)
Each member of your group will look for two sources (minimum) related to your topic. You cannot repeat sources. You will include your group's thesis statement, and for each source, the MLA citation and a brief summary of the work and brief explanation of how you can use this source in your presentation.
See MLA citation and paragraph example in Canvas.
Step 2: Visual Essay & Script (1 Major Grade)
Your group will bring your findings together to present this project to the class in the form of a visual essay. A visual essay uses minimal words in the visual part of the assignment, but you will elaborate on the essay in your spoken presentation and script. You will also be required to write a script of your presentation that will be submitted on the same day your project is due to Turnitin on Canvas.
You may use the following tools: Infographic, Canva, GoogleSlides, AdobeSpark, or any other tool to create and present your project.
Your presentation should include the following:
*Items 1-3 should be presented in that order.
These are just examples and do not adhere to our requirements. Their purpose is to give you some idea of what you can do.
View the pdf below for more information on the various ways to solve problems.
Below are video tutorials to help you navigate some of the library resources.
The following resource will provide you some resources for background information. Doing background research will not only help you narrow your focus, but will also help you identify keywords to use when searching the databases for scholarly articles.
Below are video tutorials to show you tools for searching in the databases.
Using Boolean operators in a database is highly recommended, as this approach usually generates the most useful results. Databases are not "intuitive" like search engines (e.g., Google) - they must be "told" how to process a search query. Boolean operators let you "tell" the database what you want to see in your results.
Use AND to connect KEYWORDS - Retrieves sources with both/all terms [refines search] Example: diabetes AND adult AND self-management |
OR |
Use OR to connect SYNONYMS & LIKE CONCEPTS - Retrieves sources with either/any term(s) [broadens search] Example: heart attack AND (female OR women) AND symptoms |
Use NOT to EXCLUDE word(s) - Eliminates sources with the word(s) following NOT Example: Omega-3 fatty acids NOT fish oils |
When you are conducting your background research on your topic, consider the who, what, when, where and why of what you are reading, and highlight or write the main points down. You can use those as keywords in the databases!