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TAP Team Resource Guide

Technology Support

VLAC (Virtual Learning Assistance Center)

VLAC is a collection of resources for online students or students with online course components. | | 866.614.5014

OTS (Office of Technology Services)

OTS provides technology support to students, faculty, and staff 24/7! | 832.813.6600

D2L Resource Guide

Our D2L Resource Guide covers main page navigation, submitting assignments, taking quizzes/tests, posting in discussion boards, emailing, and more.  

D2L Resource Guide

Student Lingo

  • First, go to:
  • If this is your FIRST TIME logging into StudentLingo, you need to first set up your FREE account...
    • In the provided boxes, enter your First Name / Last Name / Email Address (preferably your LSC email) / Create a Password for yourself / and Confirm your new Password.
    • Then click/check the "I agree to the Terms & Conditions" box.
    • Click "Register" to enter StudentLingo
  • If are RETURNING and have already created your FREE account and simply need to Sign In...
    • Click the "SIGN IN" link in the top right hand corner of the page.
    • Enter your Email Address and Password in the provided boxes.
    • Click "Sign In"
  • Once you have successfully signed in to StudentLingo, you will see the 4 videos available to you at the bottom of the page (you may need to scroll down to see them all)
  • Simply select a video topic you would like to watch and follow the self guided prompts within each video